Tag: ricotta

a spring thing: kale and ricotta galette + looking for some mid-west travel tips

I’ve been in a cooking mood lately and also a having friends over for dinner mood. Yes, those are 2 very distinct moods. For quite a while now, I haven’t been having people over for dinner because I found it…

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mid-week breakfast: cornmeal-ricotta waffles

Tip toeing around a chilly morning kitchen isn’t my idea of a good time. Weekday mornings are an in and out affair. I put the espresso pot on the stove and quickly stir up some oats and jump into the…

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breakfast on a cloud: orange ricotta pancakes

Despite the fact that my fridge is full of apples, there isn’t one apple present in today’s recipe. (Don’t you love how I snuck in an apple into my baked pasta recipe yesterday? Ha.) More apples recipes to come, but…

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