chicken thighs in riesling
I’m often in amazement of the simple meals I manage to put together. Really, did I just make something taste freakin’ amazing out of the humble crap I found in my fridge? When I found myself with some defrosted chicken…
I’m often in amazement of the simple meals I manage to put together. Really, did I just make something taste freakin’ amazing out of the humble crap I found in my fridge? When I found myself with some defrosted chicken…
Last night I told Cornelius I would have dinner ready by the time he returned from doing laundry. Time wise, I didn’t hold up my end of the bargin, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. He left with 2…
After living with Cornelius for a few months (and after dating & cooking for him for at least a year before) he told me, with a full bowl of soup in front of him, that he doesn’t really care for…