Tag: whipped cream

root beer cake topped with “root” cream

When I went to San Francisco recently I had a small mission to accomplish: buy Root liquor. Root is a traditional spirit produced by a group of Philly artists known as Art in the Age and they’ve created this root beer…

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birthday cake for the birthday girl

I love birthdays. It doesn’t have to be my own, any birthday will do, as I’m not picky in the least. Birthdays equal fun times, friends, family, laughter and best of all, cake. Presents are nice too, but cake, well,…

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a photo, finally….with strawberry shortcake

Last weekend for my soon-to-be mother-in-law’s birthday, I made a strawberry shortcake. this incredibly easy strawberry shortcake recipe to be exact. It tasted as great as it looked. I’ve actually never made or even eaten a strawberry shortcake before, so…

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