chicken thighs in riesling
I’m often in amazement of the simple meals I manage to put together. Really, did I just make something taste freakin’ amazing out of the humble crap I found in my fridge? When I found myself with some defrosted chicken…
I’m often in amazement of the simple meals I manage to put together. Really, did I just make something taste freakin’ amazing out of the humble crap I found in my fridge? When I found myself with some defrosted chicken…
Yesterday I woke up and my eyeballs hurt. I was also walking around like a zombie. Despite having a good night’s sleep, I just couldn’t seem to wake up, so doing things like talking to clients and working on design…
I live on the outskirts of Chinatown where the markets are filled with all kinds of weird and wonderful things. While I’m not particularly attracted to the lizards on sticks, I will try various greens. Last weekend I headed over…