Tag: birthday

everybody likes cupcakes: vegan chocolate cupcakes

My cold is nearing the two week mark and I’m so not thrilled at its take on longevity. Ugh. I did manage to have a lovely birthday and thank you all for your well-wishes!! Cornelius did make me a cake…

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bad planning & a little cake inspiration

On Monday, it will be my birthday and I like to make a fuss about such things. Last year I had a lovely picnic in the park outside our apartment with all my friends and I made chocolate vegan cupcakes…

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vegan birthday: vegan coconut cupcakes

Sunday was my good friend Kristen’s birthday and I figured I’d bring along a sweet, vegan treat to our Monday night bowling league to help celebrate. After all, it’s always best to keep the birthday flame alive! Normally, when I…

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oh merry month of may (plus a burrito recipe)

May 16: For dinner I made the “Three Sisters Burrito” from the Rebar cookbook. I changed the recipe around to make up for what I had in the fridge and it was tasty.

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happy birthday to me!

Just a post with a few pictures of my birthday cupcakes (vegan chocolate with green frosting) and a baked Alaska! Yup, ice cream baked in the oven.

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a photo, finally….with strawberry shortcake

Last weekend for my soon-to-be mother-in-law’s birthday, I made a strawberry shortcake. this incredibly easy strawberry shortcake recipe to be exact. It tasted as great as it looked. I’ve actually never made or even eaten a strawberry shortcake before, so…

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